Advance Asia-Pacific hub: First Gathering

AdvanceAsia-Pacific, Blog, News

The Advance Asia-Pacific hub had its first gathering in Thailand in October 2022. Key church leaders from India, Nepal, and Australia visited One Light Church in Chiang Rai, Thailand to strengthen and encourage the local body of believers there. Coming out of the Global gathering in May, there is a growing sense in all 4 nations that God is stirring. There is an anticipation that a new and exciting season is ahead, and that God is wanting the churches in the Asia-Pacific region to partner together in the advance of the Gospel.

In addition to some powerful ministry times, which included a witch doctor’s wife coming to faith and a woman with vision and hearing problems receiving healing, this was an opportunity for some rest and relaxation for people serving in incredibly difficult contexts. However, more so than anything else, there was a real knitting of hearts between the local church and the visiting trans-local gifts as well as a deepening of relationships between and among the hub leaders. We are so grateful for these times, and the space they provide for connection, encouragement and commissioning.

If you would like to reach out to any of these churches or find our how you can pray for them specifically, reach out by emailing