An update from churches in the Nepal region.

AdvanceBlog, Update and Prayer points

From Puran and Rebecca Rasaili in Khatmandu:

Dear Advance Family,

2020 wasn’t an easy year for most of us around the world. Starting from May till November it was a complete lockdown here and we were confined within four walls of our building.

All our services were turned into a virtual platform which we have never done before especially in our part of the world. The new technology wasn’t easy to adapt for many of our people especially the older generation who have never used any form of technology. All our traveling, domestic and international, came to a halt. Still some of the leaders and pastors have not been able to use online platforms, due to lack of access to the internet or technology.

Despite the lockdown all over Nepal at the beginning of this year, we have witnessed baptisms in many churches especially in rural areas. Many people from cities have migrated back to their respective villages since people have lost their jobs in cities. People were desperate to be rescued from their physical problems and have encountered Jesus in their misery.

At the beginning of 2021,  the second wave of COVID19 that hit India eventually spilled over here to Nepal. We have witnessed an impact beyond our imagination. In April the infection outraged the nation and that didn’t spare many people from our church.

Our whole family along with many in the Church have tested positive, some of us suffered very badly and had to be admitted to hospital.  I have lost my father on the 6th of May, and more than 65 leaders and pastors have lost their lives.

In the valley of death, God has been working miracles one after another. Many people have come to faith during the COVID19 pandemic. Baptisms, new church plants and new ecpressiosn of community!

Some praise and prayer points.

Across 10 churches, we have seen 70 baptisms, with many still waiting to be baptised! Damak Fellowship in Eastern Nepal is in the process of purchasing a piece of land for a church property and half the money has been paid and trusting for the rest. Aiselukharka Community Church in Khotang are building a venue, after meeting in homes almost for 3 years. Half the work is done and we are trusting to complete the work by end of this year. The Lord has provied funds for us to procure a small piece of land here in Kathmandu. Pray with us for the clearance from Social Welfare Council. We trusting for the funds for building as well may be end of this year, we like to start construction work.

Lockdown has been eased up here in Kathmandu but with DELTA virus again country might go for complete Lockdown pray with us that God rescues us.

This week I will be travelling to Mid-West Part of Nepal in Dang and Bardiya District pray for the Lord’s protection, this is not good weather for travelling, epecially in Moutanour, which is prone to Land slides and flooding.

Highly appreciate all our advance family around the wold for upholding us in your prayers.

God willing love to see some of you end of this year in our Nepal Advance conference in November 2021.

With Lots of love and blessings,

Puran & Rebecca Rasaili

Kathmandu Capital Church

Kathmandu, Nepal.