
Southampton, 15 - 16 November 2019

What does it mean to be a people living in exile? How can we be faithful citizens of heaven while engaging in the contexts that God has placed us in?

Matt Hosier - Living in exile

The story of Samson is both comic (killing a thousand men with a donkey’s jawbone) and brutal (killing a thousand men with a donkey’s jawbone). It is also a story rich in applications for us. In his encounter with Delilah (told in Judges 16), Samson provides us with a picture and metaphor of the dangers of entanglement with the world. Rather than fall into the mistakes made by Samson we need to remember our status as exiles.


Keela Waters - Creating a welcoming environment in church

What is the role of hospitality in our churches and why should we invest our time and energy into creating a welcoming environment? Keela Waters shares experience from One Harbor's hospitality ministry, unpacking the ministry philosophy, team structures and leadership focus.


Andrew Haslam - Reaching millennials

As society grows more secular, young people are less and less likely to be churchgoers. We need to avoid quick and superficial solutions in order to reach young people. Instead, we need to think about the deeper currents that are causing this trend to take place, and then unearth the resources we have in the gospel to make a deep impact in this generation.


Andrew Sampson - Raising leaders equipped for exile

Focusing on the life of Jeremiah, Andrew Sampson sets out four principles to help us understand the kinds of leaders we need in our cultural context.


Travis Evans - The poor and addicted

Drug and alcohol addiction is increasingly common in our towns and cities, in every demographic. Millions are impacted by this reality. In this session, Travis Evans from One Harbor Church (Morehead City NC) shares about One Harbor's journey to push back the darkness of addiction in their area.


Donnie Griggs - help those in your church live well in exile

As leaders and pastors, you are likely aware that we are in exile and are considering how this affects church life. But what about the people in our churches? What does it look like to make the most of the exile? How do we help those in our churches to be a blessing in exile?

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Donnie Griggs - Life is cruel, but God is good and mission is everywhere

One of the characteristics of exile is the suffering around us. The natural response is to run away from it or turn a blind eye. What would it look like if we, who know the God of all comfort, chose to take the opportunity and the responsibility to comfort those who are suffering?

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Howard Kellett - Dying to Self in a Culture of Self

Working through 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Howard tackles community, discipleship, leadership and prayer in an individualistic, autonomous, entitled and comfort driven culture.


Gemma Gillard - Nearing the end of exile: The urgency of old age

Gemma Gillard founded Truth be Told, an inter-generational story telling project to serve those afflicted by dementia. The project has flourished since inception, receiving wide attention from her community in Bournemouth. She shares the background to the project, surfacing the base needs of this group and our opportunity to serve them and share Jesus with them.
