G1 Advance Cornerstone (35 of 61)

Enrich our minds, expand our hearts, equip our hands

Become a host church

The Advance Theology course is available to Advance partner churches. In order to participate, your church must apply to become a host church. This can be done by simply emailing info@advancemovement.com.

Once registered, your church administrator will be given access to our online portal, where study guides and instructional videos are available. Your course participants will also have access to this portal, and will be able to watch the video material at their convenience before each meet up.

For regions where internet access is not suitable your church can also request that a hard drive be shipped to you, which contains all of the necessary videos and documents. There will be a charge to recoup costs for the hard drive and shipping fees.

Your church will then be responsible for printing and binding a facilitators manual, as well as student manuals which provide supplementary content for the video tuition.  We ask that you do not edit or alter the content of the course either in its written or video-recorded form since it is copyrighted material and subject to applicable law.  This course must be used in its original form for its intended purpose with no exceptions.


The primary teaching mechanism for the course is video content, aided by a course manual which provides context to the teaching.

Students should watch the 30 – 40 minute weekly video, prior to meeting up with their fellow students and facilitator. These meet ups are primarily for discussion around the course content – some churches may choose to watch the videos at this point too.

We require that facilitators keep robust records of student attendance, and submit this to Advance at the end of each module.

Churches can determine the appropriate speed to move through each module – recognising that the more you put in, the more you get out.

Course facilitators should be mature believers, with a personal passion for scripture and ideally be recognized teachers in their community. However, the primary teaching mechanism is the video material, and so we believe that the preparation time should be fairly minimal for these individuals.


The Advance Theology Course is freely available to all Advance partner churches. However for students who wish to take the assessment track there will be a module fee to cover tutor costs.  Please consult the Theology Course coordinator in the Advance office for more information on the assessment track costs in your region (email atc@advancemovement.com).


For students who wish to gain some accreditation from Advance for completing the course and would like to maximise the learning experience, there is an optional assessment track available.

These students will submit 2 – 3 brief assignments to a tutor and will receive feedback and recommendations appropriately. The tutor will assess whether the student has sufficiently grasped key concepts by their written answers.

Not all students in a group need follow the same track, and it can be done on an individual basis. The host church will simply make the appropriate payments to Advance to cover tutor costs.