In this unique season of isolation and separation churches have embraced the online setting and released their teams to create resources and environments to disciple their congregations. 

Below you will find a bounty of wisdom, strengthening resources and life giving creativity for yourself and your church, gleaned from within our family of churches.


Orson Welles once said “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.“  Our musicians have come out swinging during the lockdown, finding new ways to collaborate, new songs to sing and new joy in worshiping Jesus.


Father and daughter, Alan and Sophie Frow, record Shelter in Place | Southlands Church, Brea CA.  Watch the video on Facebook or listen on Spotify.


In Christ Alone sung by 54 of their worship leaders from homes around the city during lockdown | Common Ground Church, Cape Town


Emile Naidu, has written an honest song for this difficult time, God Over Everything | Covenant Grace Church, Port Elizabeth


Steff Hess covers Guide by Gareth Davies-Jones with echoes of wonderful Welsh hymn Bread of Heaven | Grace Cardiff


A new single from a friend of Advance, George Mhondera.  George has served us at North American and Global gatherings.


Sam Cox has composed a suite of piano sketches during lockdown and released a full length preview | Monument Church, Gaithersburg


Isaac and Naomi sing songs of worship over St Louis from the rooftops with a beautiful backdrop! | The Cross Point, St Louis


Tim Purdue from Foundation Church (Belfast) released King of Kings sung by musicians from across Northern Ireland.


The worship team from Covenant Grace Church has remotely recorded a set of covers titled Songs in isolation | Port Elizabeth



series of bite size videos to help you keep growing spiritually during this period of isolation | One Harbor Church, Morehead City NC.


Strange Days is a daily devotional podcast for these unprecedented days of the Coronavirus pandemic. The episodes are between 5 and 10 minutes.  The idea is for each episode to aid in the reshaping and reforming our spiritual habits during this unique season | Common Ground Inner City & Seapoint, Cape Town


The Gateway Church Podcast aims to equip and encourage believers through, discussion, interview and biblical teaching


From Hope Rhondda (South Wales) we have The Interns podcast, recently launched by "two American's in South Wales on mission". The episodes catalog their experience of serving in a foreign country as missionaries.


PJ Smyth, Monument Church shares some insights on preaching to camera for church leaders. Coronavirus has forced us all to learn new skills. Preaching to camera is a new one for many leaders. Here are some tips to get started on the right foot!




Matthew Hosier originally wrote this letter to his eldership team but it proves a stirring call for all Elders in our movement during this time | Gateway Church, Poole

As North America reels from the death of George Floyd and subsequent unrest, PJ Smyth, pastor of Monument Church, shares a few do’s and don'ts that have helped him through decades of wrestling with similar issues.


Pastoral Care


Kyle Johnston, Jubilee Church Cape Town, has put together a great set of short videos to help you grow your emotional wisdom during this fractious season of life. Check out the videos and resources here.

Finance and isolation

Stephen Van Rhyn provides practical wisdom from South Africa, helping his church deal with the stringent lockdown measures in place.  The short videos include practical advice for living in lockdown, financial stewardship in the midst of economic turmoil and finally a biblical posture for Christians wrestling with their authorities policy decisions during the Coronavirus season.


Matt & Grace Hosier's girls kick it up a gear and challenge everyone to thrive, not just survive the lockdown.  They offer some punchy advice to keep mind and body in good form |  Gateway Church, Poole


Lex Loizides has recorded a series of fascinating 4 minute book reviews, entitled Blessed Isolation.  Featuring works from Lloyd Jones, Spurgeon and various Puritan writers | Jubilee Community Church, Cape Town