Every month Advance publishes a range of movement updates, stories from partner churches and interesting articles on our social media channels. We have compiled a short summary of news, in case you missed it! Find the newsletter here, and click here to make sure you are signed up to receive news and updates from the movement.
Lead Couples’ Gatherings
In South Africa, the US and in the UK, Lead Couples from Advance partner churches gathered recently. We celebrate how online church and video calls have served our unity and connected us as a movement in new ways. However, it has also been a reminder of the gift of in-person, embodied fellowship. Leaders from the UK, South Africa and the … Read More
In case you missed it | October
Every month Advance publishes a newsletter, recapping highlights from within the movement in the month past. This month, you can read about the first Central Hub Conference in North America, updates from church plants into Chiang Ria, Tavistock, Dar es Salaam and Cape Town. There are also a number of new conference recordings available from two South African hub gatherings. … Read More
In case you missed it | February
Every month Advance publishes a range of movement updates, stories from partner churches and interesting articles on our social media channels. We have compiled a short summary of February news, in case you missed it! Check out the February news summary here >> This month’s edition includes an update from Grace Church Cardiff, a new Common Ground plant into Cape … Read More
Prayer mailer | December
Our final prayer mailer for 2018! This month, including prayer items for the UK following the recent UK Conference, the Movement Church in Homestead Florida and an update from the Tuckers in Madagascar. Check out the full email here >>