Prayer Mailer

AdvanceBlog, News, Update and Prayer points, Update and Prayer points

In this mailer, we are shifting the focus from pure news and stories, to ways we can currently pray for and support one another as churches across the globe. These videos, calls to prayer and updates could be used in your mid-week gatherings, corporate prayer times, as updates for your church or to fuel your own prayer life. To read the … Read More

An update from churches in the Nepal region.

AdvanceBlog, Update and Prayer points

From Puran and Rebecca Rasaili in Khatmandu: Dear Advance Family, 2020 wasn’t an easy year for most of us around the world. Starting from May till November it was a complete lockdown here and we were confined within four walls of our building. All our services were turned into a virtual platform which we have never done before especially in our part of the world. The … Read More

Update and prayer points from Madagascar

AdvanceUpdate and Prayer points

Here’s an update from Blake Tucker, who along with his wife, Rachel, leads one of four Advance relating churches in Madagascar. We hear some updates as well as how we can partner with them in prayer as they trust God in some key areas.

In Case you missed it

AdvanceIn case you missed it, Uncategorized

Every month Advance publishes a range of movement updates, stories from partner churches and interesting articles on our social media channels.  We have compiled a short summary of news, in case you missed it! Find the newsletter here, and click here to make sure you are signed up to receive news and updates from the movement.

Lead Couples’ Gatherings


In South Africa, the US and in the UK, Lead Couples from Advance partner churches gathered recently. We celebrate how online church and video calls have served our unity and connected us as a movement in new ways. However, it has also been a reminder of the gift of in-person, embodied fellowship. Leaders from the UK, South Africa and the … Read More

Evangelism in a skeptical society


In many of the neighbourhoods, towns and cities our churches are based in there is an increasing amount of skepticism toward the Gospel. While there continue to be healthy, growing churches in these areas, there is an acknowledgement that the tide of assumed familiarity with the church, the Bible and the Gospel message is receding broadly in these areas. Two … Read More

Reaching the unreached: lessons from Nairobi


In 2017 two intrepid evangelists from OneTribe Church began visiting university campuses in Nairobi to share the Gospel with students. Taylor Dietmeier and Kerby McKinnell connected with two deaf students on one such outreach and OneTribe church has never been the same again. The two students (Vincent and Harrison) were invited to attend a Sunday meeting at OneTribe. The church … Read More

In case you missed it | February

AdvanceIn case you missed it

Every month Advance publishes a range of movement updates, stories from partner churches and interesting articles on our social media channels. We have compiled a short summary of February news, in case you missed it! This month includes church planting updates from Cape Town and Antananarivo, an update on the growth of Advance’s Theology Course and some great new books … Read More

Advance’s Theology Course closing in on 500 participants already


“People have gained a love for God’s word and a passion for theology. We worship in a deeper way now.” “There’s been a deeper appreciation of the whole Bible story for those on the course.” “It’s a really excellent course which we aim to require anyone to complete to be an elder in our church.” “Having three elders in training do the course … Read More