GodFirst Jozi East, is a new church plant located just east of the Johannesburg CBD, in a community called Bertrams. We caught up with Simon and Thobile Chittenden who are leading the team, about how things are going and how we can pray with them. “For the past two years God has been drawing people together from across the city; as … Read More
Southlands Santa Ana: Reflections on church planting one year in.
Southlands Santa Ana celebrates 1 year since they started meeting as a church. Here are some reflections on the past season.
New Venue for Frontline Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Recently, Frontline Church, In Fayetteville, North Carolina, moved into their new venue. We caught up with them to hear more about the story of how they came to finding this spot, as well as how God provided the means for them to move in! Here is what Blake Burrough, one of the leaders, had to say: “The story is pretty wild. … Read More
UK and Europe Leadership Gathering.
In November 2021, eldership teams from Advance churches in the UK and Europe gathered in Poole, UK. They enjoyed friendship and connection, as well as some amazing input and times of worship and prayer together. We are so encouraged to hear about and see all that God is going in this region! Find the session recordings here below.
Advance team visits Uganda.
During October, a team from Grace Generation Church in Pietermaritzburg, SA, and OneTribe Church in Nairobi, Kenya, visited a group of church leaders in Uganda. Their aim was to strengthen the already existing friendships and relationships with church leaders in the area, as well as to encourage and exhort the leadership teams. They were privileged to gather in person, through conferences … Read More
Redeemer Church UK plants into the town of Saltash.
A new church planted out of Redeemer UK, into the town of Saltash.
Emotional Health: Why it has become a non-negotiable.
Read about one church’s journey preaching through emotional health and how this concept is becoming a non-negotiable.
Latest Newsletter
Each month, we share a selection of stories and happenings from within the movement. In this way we celebrate with God is doing across the globe within the Advance family. For the latest mailer – click here and take a read: “in case you missed it”! PS You can also sign up to receive these newsletters in the future. Click … Read More
Serving Beyond ourselves.
Serving beyond ourselves, whether in our own city, or further afield, is one of the beautiful by-products of gospel-centred mission. In our current season, opportunities abound to serve, give and show the love of Jesus in practical ways. We caught up with a few churches, from very different contexts around the globe, on what serving beyond themselves has looked like recently for … Read More
UK Eldership Teams Gathering
Eldership teams from Advance relating churches across the UK came together for a mid-year gathering. We celebrate the opportunity to be together – for many this was the first time being together in over a year. There were some very impactful sessions of input, and if you’d like to engage with the recordings – please find them here.